Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Post #1

Well, here I am. I'm not a big blog person. I deliberated a long time about whether or not I should start one, but I felt as though I really needed a place to put my thoughts and get things out....so here we are.

I have a sick toddler on my hands. A sick toddler with a sore toe where the doctor removed an almost inch-long splinter yesterday. It really isn't fun. It sucks especially because I'm not used to dealing with the crankiness. D is normally one of the happiest kids you will ever meet, but the past few days she has been one of the crabbiest. I don't blame her at all, but I really hope it passes soon.

I completed the doula workshop over the weekend. I'm so excited about this whole venture. I really feel as though this is something I am meant to do, which makes me even more excited about being a doula, since I've never really KNOWN what I wanted to be when I "grew up". And this just feels very very right. But more on this topic later...